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Brain Imaging and the Law

This paper is a study of Neuroethics whereby it looks at brain imaging and the law. It starts by defining it and conducting a close review by looking at the ethical or moral issues brought about by neuroscience as it greatly affects our perception or understanding of the world as well as of ourselves in the world.

language english
wordcount 4722 (cca 13 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 17
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Preview of the essay: Brain Imaging and the Law

Brain Imaging and the Law Unsurprisingly, there is no definite definition of neuroethics that is generally accepted. According to the Web of Science, we find that the term was perhaps created by A.A. Pontius in the 1993 Psychological Reports paper about ethical development. There are however some earlier uses that dates back as far as the year 1978. Contemporary definitions of the neuroethics stress the ethical, social and legal implications of neuroscience. Author William Safire described it as the assessment of what is good and bad, right or correct and wrong, regarding the perfection of, the treatment of, or even undesirable invasion of and distressing exploitation of the human brain. Nevertheless, if neuroethics is perceived or understood in this manner, a standard question examined by the field may be what the difference between the treatment of a human neurological disease and merely developing the human brain is. Another similar question may ask if at all it is fair for the rich to have an access to the neurotechnology, whereas the underprivileged do not. The neuroethical problems may complement ethical issues brought about by genetics, genomics, together with human genetic engineering. In every crime, there is the element of conduct ...

... for these actions? Nevertheless, the question of whether and the way individual responsibility is well-matched with neuroscience is a vital one for neuroethics. Nonetheless, as neuroscience informs us more concerning the way the brain instantiates behavior, love and even moral values, some have argued or claimed that there is less or no reason for hypothesizing any immaterial component of an individual.
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