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Accounting Firm Operation Management

This paper has looks at an accounting firm operations management whereby it looks at production management systems that is suppliers, capacity and lean management principles. It tries to analyze the implication of the disciplines responsible for the transformation of the production factors.

language english
wordcount 2390 (cca 6.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 3
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Production management system: suppliers 3
1.2 Production management system: Capacity: 5
1.3 Production management system: lean management principles 6
1.4 Conclusion 9
1.5 References 9

Preview of the essay: Accounting Firm Operation Management

Accounting Firm Operation Management 1.0 Introduction Operations management has the implication of the disciplines responsible for the transformation of the available resources, the raw materials, the capital as well as labor into the finished goods in a business enterprise. The management of the operations in a specific plant is associated with varying magnitudes of complexities. This has called for the performance with extremely high levels of efficiencies aiming at the highest quality of production while maintaining the highest flexibility in as far as the changes are concerned. The time required for response is extremely limited. In line with this development, the time at the exposure of the processes of production management as well as control are ...

... the incorporation of the best practices in a routine. The effectiveness of management relies on the extent of the accomplishment of the management functions of planning, controlling, leading as well as organizing. It is vital for the managers to effectively make use of the functions in relation to their duties in staffing, information technology, as well as the use of the physical resources. The functions are responsible for positively impacting on the enterprises operations management
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Operations Management


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