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Genital Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
This paper looks at the issues relating to the research philosophy, the research strategy, research methods, population, samples and sampling in thesis development. The purpose of the research is to determine the characteristics of the Human Papilloma Virus and its effects in the human society.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 2778 (cca 7.5 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 10 |
Table of contents
Genital Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 1
Introduction 1
Research designs and approach 1
Participants 3
Sampling and sample sizes 3
HPV treatment 5
Instrumentation and Materials 6
Data Analysis 8
Protection of the rights of participants 9
Study delimitations 9
References 10
Preview of the essay: Genital Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Genital Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Introduction This research focuses on identifying the characteristics of Human Papilloma Virus and the effects of the virus. It thus uses Scientific methodology in gathering of information relating to the study, the scientific method promotes the aspect of reliability and validity of the data to be collected .Reliability relates to the consistence in the results that are collected in the field or from a number of participants .The validity of the measure used ensures that the desired type of data is captured in the process. Research designs and approach Research approach is the plan on how the research questions set would be answered. In this research paper, normative research approach was adopted. At this stage, facts were collected first and later theories were developed after ...
... recommendations. The budget as well as the time factors was responsible limiting the number of participants and the duration of the research. Results were a factor of the responses of teachers and health educators in the Westfield Board of Education. The choice of the objectives as well as the questions, the variables of significance, the substitute theoretical perspectives for optional adoption among others is other important study delimitations in this research.
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Natural Sciences