All remote controls share the basic concept of communication technology however there is no universal standard method of encoding. This remote control system will use infra-red light emitting diodes to send out signals in response to button pushes. It will have a preamble address to synchronies the receiver to identify the source and make it work without interferences. However this remote controller might be different from the ones used in TVs and Vcrs because its mostly used either to switch ON or OFF security lights and may not have control functions like control of brightness or control of dimness.
language | english | |
wordcount | 9878 (cca 28 pages) | |
contextual quality | N/A | |
language level | N/A | |
price | free | |
sources | 3 |
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objectives 1
1.3 Specifications 1
1.4 Justification of the project 3
2.00 Theory of components and design 4
2.01 Power supply 4
2.010 Transformers 4
2.011 Laminated core transformer 5
2.012 Toroidal transformer 5
2.013 Autotransformer 5
2.014 Stray field transformer 6
2.015 Polyphase transformer 6
2.016 Isolating transformer 6
2.02 Rectification 7
2.021 half wave rectification 7
2.022 Centre tapped full wave rectification 8
2.023 Bridge rectifier 8
2.03 Filter circuit 10
2.04 Voltage stabilizer 12
2.05 Infrared transmitter circuit 14
2.06 Infrared LED 20
2.07 Design of infrared transmitter circuit 21
2.1 Infrared receiver circuit 23
2.11 Design of the Infrared receiver circuit 23
2.2 Comparator circuit 24
2.21 Operational amplifier as a voltage comparator 25
2.22 Design of the comparator circuit 26
2.3 Reference circuit 27
2.31 Theory of resistors 27
2.32 Units 28
2.34 Design of the reference circuit 31
2.4 Bistable flip Flop 32
2.46 Design of the Bistable flip flop 38
2.5 Driver circuit 40
2.6 Switching circuit 40
2.61 Relay drivers 40
2.62 Transistor as a switch 40
2.63 MOSFET as a switch 41
2.64 Design of the switching circuit 42
3.1 Complete circuit diagram 43
Very voluminous and bulky in construction of the discussion. Over-all, very informative!