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Personal Health and Wellness

This paper looks at Personal Health and Wellness, whereby it refrains itself away just from not being sick but goes beyond other health attributes i.e. exercises. It discusses on a personal pyramid plan giving an example of a health successful story

language english
wordcount 984 (cca 2.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 3
Table of contents

Introduction 1
My Pyramid Plan 2
Wellness Goals 3
A success story 3
Conclusion 3
Reference 4

Preview of the essay: Personal Health and Wellness

Being healthy is more than having a disease and it includes an amount of exercises performed every day and a diet plan that helps maintains the body function. Developing a healthy lifestyle will therefore mean that a person refrains from unnecessary eating of unwanted foodstuffs and regular checking of weight in relation to the height ...

... food and sticking to a planned meal was not an easy task but I developed skills that made me get used to the ideas of having to spare my time and get down to prepare my own meals every day.
I have therefore developed a healthy lifestyle early in my life which the doctor tells me is a key component in preventing chronic diseases that would attack me and therefore improve my quality of life.
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Natural Sciences
Public Health


Humanistic Studies
Benjamin I.

I guess, the writer has some notable insights in this essay on how to keep a realistic health goal and the ways to achieve them. Upon reading the essay, however, notes on proper grammatical construction were observed. A good second look the essay's grammar could improve it into a better one. Good luck to a better writing in the future!

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