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Clinical Syndrome: Postpartum Depression

They include postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis and postpartum blues. These illnesses may be usefully conceptualized due to their existence along continuum with postpartum psychosis as the most severe and postpartum blues as the least severe type of postpartum psychiatric illness. Postpartum depression (PPD) normally emerges within the first three months after delivery although it may happen at any period after delivery. It is more frequent in women as compared to men. In some women, there are elements of milder depression symptoms at some point in pregnancy.

language english
wordcount 2573 (cca 7 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 11
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Preview of the essay: Clinical Syndrome: Postpartum Depression

Running Head: CLINICAL SYNDROME Clinical Syndrome: Postpartum Depression Introduction According to studies, it is estimated that the percentage of women who undergo different types of mood disturbances during postpartum phase is about 85%. Most of these women normally encounter short-lived and mild symptoms although on average, 10%-15% develop more considerable symptoms of anxiety and depression. There are three groups of psychiatric illnesses that can manifest during postpartum period (Shields, 2006). They include postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis and postpartum blues. These illnesses may be usefully conceptualized due to their existence along continuum with postpartum psychosis as the most severe and postpartum blues as the least severe type of postpartum psychiatric illness. Postpartum depression (PPD) normally emerges within the first three months after delivery although it may ...

... in some cases, there is stigma and shame attached to PPD. Some women suffering from postpartum depression shy away from discussing it with others for fear of being viewed with others as mentally ill. Women fear talking about their situation in public and end up suffering greatly due to postpartum illnesses for fear of seeking medication.
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