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Topic: Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams was more of an activist that the American leaders of American Revolution. Abigail letters which she wrote to her husband John Adams showed that she was a woman of fanatical intelligence, knowledgeable, self-sufficient, dedicated, resourceful and opinionated. Her letters and writings reveal how dedicated and committed she was in fighting for rights and freedom of women, ferocious partisanship in affairs of her family interest, and an impertinent sense of humor. Abigail Adams is also remembered as a competent financial and farm manager. People considered her to be a woman who was ahead of her time.

language english
wordcount 3081 (cca 8.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 10
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Preview of the essay: Topic: Abigail Adams

Topic: Abigail Adams Abigail Adams Students in America, as early as in preschool learn about the founding fathers who courageously founded the democratic nation known as the United States of America. The big question why do we not mention founding “mothers”. On the pronouncement of independence founding fathers declared that all people are equal .Although it is the founding mother Abigail Adams who fought passionately for the discrimination of any kind of person, especially the racial and gender discrimination (Akers & Charles ,1999). Abigail Adams was more of an activist that the American leaders of American Revolution. Abigail letters which she wrote to her husband John Adams showed that she was a woman of fanatical intelligence, knowledgeable, ...

... woman have come from the time Abigail Adams wrote aspiration letters to her husband on 1776 requesting him to “remember the ladies”(Abigail, Adams March 31st 1776). The fight for equality among all people is still not over even after Abigail Adams wrote her aspiring letters, however considerable progress has been made.
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Medieval History


Humanistic Studies


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