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Creativity when Teaching in Further Education.By being creative in the delivery of content, learning becomes interesting and exciting. If as a tutor, I have gained the learners’ interest, they will pay more attention to the subject, relate the content more effectively and overall be more motivated to achieve.

language english
wordcount 3669 (cca 10 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 24
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Preview of the essay: Creativity

The Importance of Creativity and Active Teaching in Beauty Therapy Training I feel that as a tutor, I need to continually reflect on the way I deliver my sessions whilst keeping in mind the criteria set by the Awarding Body, the ICT the learning provider has available and the learning needs of the learners. Reece and Walker (2000) recognise ‘the importance of teachers carrying out evaluation of their own teaching to implement future improvements. They go on to advocate student interest will impact positively on motivation and that changes to the normal teaching method will act as a stimulus.’ I concur, as this evaluation and reflection on my own teaching is what has motivated this discussion on creativity and active teaching. By being creative in the delivery of content, learning becomes interesting and exciting. If as a tutor, I have gained the learners’ interest, they will pay more attention to the subject, relate the content more effectively and overall be more motivated to achieve. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs (1970) which relates to motivation in learning states ‘needs ...

... conclude, I believe that making theory learning fun and active is beneficial because the learners prefer to be actively involved and learn more. It is more motivational for both the learners and the tutor. There is more chance of fulfilling learners preferred styles of learning. Learners will engage more with each other, developing interpersonal skills. Learners have a deeper understanding, retain information longer and have a quicker recall. It allows time to assess those that understand and those that need additional support.
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Princess R.

Being a teacher provides one an opportunity to be in human contact, to be in the most wonderful arena of learning...this essay has lots of ideas to offer...recommended therefore for readings of students and teachers alike.

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