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Community-Centered Concept of Education
Discussion of the interaction between the school and the community as partners in the teaching-learning process; the community education within the context of the educational philosophy and guiding principles governing community education.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 4715 (cca 13 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 5 |
Table of contents
Education and Community Defined 1
The Schools and the Community 1
Philosophy of Community Education 2
Philosophical Aims of Community School 3
Making the School a Community Center 3
The School as Center of Community Improvement 4
Guiding Philosophy of Community Education 5
School and Public Relation Needed by a State 7
Educational Concepts Based on Community-Centered Philosophy 8
References 10
Preview of the essay: Community-Centered Concept of Education
Community-Centered Concept of Education Education and Community Defined In a democracy, education and community must be correlated and integrated. Education refers to the dynamic social function of the school designed to meet the needs of all persons at any stage of their development. Whatever our definition of it, education is not limited to the classroom. Education is a process of cooperative living in the life history of the individual is his education and history. All relevant stimuli, physical or mental, or social are educative. Education, in its broad meaning, is the sum total of relevant stimuli. The term “community” suggests a group of individuals who have succeeded in formulating their common purpose by intelligent social action. It is generally as a group living in one locality or region under the same control and having a common educational point of view, the community is the fundamental unit of learning and teaching. The community is the child’s greatest educator, for in it he comes of age. The community inducts him into its forms and norms of life, its group and associations, and thus affects his school achievements in countless ways. It is the chief course of instructional materials for ...
... classes. The educational facilities of the community cannot be used effectively in school unless the important fields of the community activity are made the subject of intensive study both with respect to the educational resources they offer and their potential use of the pupils.
9. The school administration should utilize the parent-teacher association as an agency for integrating the school and community programs. This association must be utilized if any vital program of community education is to be carried out. The effectiveness of the work of the parent-teacher association in this country is demonstrated by the great number of schools built during the recent years. The parent-teacher organizations throughout the country can contribute in one form or another to the eradication of illiteracy and to the intellectual uplifment of the masses.
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Humanistic Studies