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Bookmart has run into a major problem, there computer system has been hacked and pertinent customer information was made easily accessible. BookMart needed to take immediate action in order to ensure this matter didn’t get worse than it already was. BookMart hired an outside consultant at the cost of $20,000 to come in and immediately identify the breach and work to fix it. The security company then gave them another option of running a complete security system for the company at the cost of $1,000,000. Even though this system has a very high cost, and the ROI may be hard to identify BookMart has no choice and must go through with it

language english
wordcount 3428 (cca 9.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 0
Table of contents

Executive Summary 1
Introduction 2
Description of the Issue 2
Overview of the Company Impact 2
Description of Options Available 2
Option 1: Creating Information Security Awareness 2
Option 2: Hiring a Chief Security Officer (CSO) 3
Option 3: Create System Compatibility 3
Option 4: Establish Systems Audits 3
Option 5: Expand IT Department 4
Option 6: Restructuring Employee Organization 4
Choice of Best Approach 4
Alert customers 4
Hire CSO: Internal Control – Monitoring current employees 5
Carry minimum amount of customer information 6
Perform regular security audits 6
Expand IT department (option 5) 6
Results of Research 6
Information Encryption 6
Firewall 7
IT Security Breach Costs 7
Conclusion 7
Works Cited 8

Preview of the essay: E-Hacker

Joseph Roberts, the General Manager of BookMart confirmed to the media that their systems had been hacked, and that the company’s customer and employee information was at risk. Due to the circumstances, Roberts called in experts from a consulting firm to assess and recommend solutions to their problems with information security. Roberts had issued the company to shut down all systems immediately to have them secured and to operate without threat.
Description of the Issue
Since customer privacy was very important to the company, this issue is very important. Roberts had contacted a major consulting firm’s information security division to have them measure and suggest solutions for their issue. The consulting firm had assessed ...

... by shutting down the system immediately after being hacked, but they should have contacted the authority, media and customers to control damage and minimize risk. In the short run they need to fix the security breach, which is what they are doing. In the long run, they need to have a CSO, additional staff for security, proper internal control procedures, and regular security audits to prevent security breachs in the future.
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Information Technologies
Princess R.

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