Unfair labor practices refer to those acts committed by employers who deny employees their rights. In the US for example, the term refers to those actions committed by unions and employers to violate the National Labor Relations Act and any other legislation in use. This paper will discuss unfair labor practices of employers’ across the world. Unfair labor practices by employers are their failure to act fairly towards an employee. Unfair labor practices vary from statute to statute. We have three categories of un fair labor practices under the National Labor Relations Act i.e. those committed by employers, those committed by labor organizations and those that are as a result of actions of both employers and labor organizations. Employers who deny employees the right to form unions, to bargain collectively through their own chosen representatives engage in unfair labor practices.
language | english | |
wordcount | 3035 (cca 8.5 pages) | |
contextual quality | N/A | |
language level | N/A | |
price | free | |
sources | 2 |
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
Discussion 4
Conclusion 12
References 13