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The Executive Branch in a Presidential System of Government

This article speaks of the functions, nature and powers of the executive branch in a presidential system of government. Illustrative examples from the different governments of various states are likewise included in this essay.

language english
wordcount 5414 (cca 15 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 4
Table of contents

General Overview  1
The Executive Branch of Government  2
Types of Presidential Executive  4
Tenure of Executives  6
Duties of the Executive  8
Checks on the Power of the Executive  11
References 11

Preview of the essay: The Executive Branch in a Presidential System of Government

“When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or in the same body of persons there is no liberty because of the danger that the same monarch or the same senate may make tyrannical. Nor, again, is there any liberty if the judicial power is not separated from the legislative and executive. If it were joined to the legislative power, the power over the life and liberty of the citizens would be arbitrary, for any judge would be the lawmaker. If it were joined to the executive power, the judge would have the force of an oppressor.” --Baron de Montesquieu THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH IN A PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT general overview At the outside, it is assumed that in most presidential systems of government in the world today, the structure of the administrative machinery of the government is consists of three main branches--- the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Before I endeavor to start on the central nucleus of my discussion, that is the executive branch in the presidential system of government, I will explicate first ...

... as one of the greatest American president. A strong-willed executive may be necessary in times of crisis and trouble, but his inflexible character may prove his waterloo when it is time to reconcile and heal the nation’s wounds. Thus, the great Winston Churchill, the famous British “bulldog”, was voted out of office by postwar Britain. A warm and friendly politician may win during the campaign due to his personal charm, but once in office, it may be found out that he is a weak and indecisive executive who, in wanting to please everybody, ends up pleasing no one. His administration will not accomplish much.
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Humanistic Studies


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