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This essay discusses on MS-13 GANG which is a very violent group that is threatening the western world and it is also spreading to other countries slowly by slowly. The group is said to contain the Hondurans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans and the Guatemalans.

language english
wordcount 2917 (cca 8 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 8
Table of contents


Preview of the essay: MS-13 GANG

MS-13 GANG GENERAL OVERVIEW The MS-13 gang is a very violent gang that exists is so many countries. MS is coined from the term Mara Salvatrucha and is said too have originated from Los Angeles before spreading to the vast states of America and Canada. The gang is referred by so many names like MS, MS 13 and Mara. The group is said to contain the Hondurans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans and the Guatemalans. This group over a long time has been in the sport light attracting the eyes of the FBI. Recorded fight between the group and the FBI occurred in 2005 when the FBI conducted a major search and arrested several members of the gang across the country. The strongholds of the group in America are found in the West Coast and the Southwest of America. The membership of this illegal ...

... therefore kill without consent, smuggle or perform rape. Often they perform such an act when in a group and have been given the mandate to do so by their leader. One member who is said to be from Guatemala admitted that the membership of this dangerous gang entails so many things in which the majority is evil. He himself fall out of the group and fled away because according to him “If I had stayed in Guatemala, members of this gang would have killed me. I have experienced many cases in which they kill those who defy their orders and the action could not be just mere murder but brutal killing which may mean removal of the head of an individual” (Walter & Williams 58)
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Humanistic Studies


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