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Operations Management


Deterministic Inventory Model- A Research Study

Keeping an inventory (stocks of goods) for future sales or use is very common in business. Retail firms, wholesalers, manufacturing companies and even blood banks generally have a stock of goods on hand. How does such facility decide upon its “inventory policy”, that is, when and how much does it replenish? This question is the most concerned of this study. Knowing the optimal number of the order quantity and the optimal time of replenishment makes every business gain more profit. Inventory models are divided into two types – Deterministic and Probabilistic. If the demand rate of the product involved in the inventory problem is known with certainty then the inventory model that can be drawn on this problem is dynamic, otherwise the inventory model is probabilistic.

language english
wordcount 13177 (cca 37 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 7
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Preview of the essay: Deterministic Inventory Model- A Research Study

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Keeping an inventory (stocks of goods) for future sales or use is very common in business. Retail firms, wholesalers, manufacturing companies and even blood banks generally have a stock of goods on hand. How does such facility decide upon its “inventory policy”, that is, when and how much does it replenish? This question is the most concerned of this study. Knowing the optimal number of the order quantity and the optimal time of replenishment makes every business gain more profit. Inventory models are divided into two types – Deterministic and Probabilistic. If the demand rate of the product involved in the inventory problem is known with certainty then the inventory model that can be drawn on this problem is dynamic, otherwise the inventory model is probabilistic. Deterministic Inventory Model is one of the vital topics in Operations Research. It is commonly used in many gigantic companies, industries, or firms. It also has two types: static and deterministic. The model is static when the demand is constant over a period of time. However, the model is dynamic if the product’s demand is not constant, that is, if the demand varies. Our study in this ...

... in this column occur in the following order: 100 units to (R2, 2), 60 units to (O2, 2), and 30 units to (O1, 2). The respective unit “transportation” costs associated with these assignments are $6, $9, and $9.10. We did not use the route (R1, 2), whose unit cost is $6.10, because all the supply of R1 has been assigned to period 1.
Going to the column 3, the route (R3, 3) has the cheapest unit cost, and we assign the most we can to it-namely, min(120, 200) = 120 units which leaves 80 unsatisfied units in column 3. Next, we move to the next cheapest route (O3, 3) in column 3 and assigning min(80, 80) = 80 units, which now satisfies the demand for period 3.
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Operations Management


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